A Live Nest Cam in the Scottish Highlands!
This morning at 4:38 am my time, Adam Tinworth @adders posted a link to an extraordinary live cam in the wild which monitors the lives of a pair of Osprey raptors at a lake (Loch Arkaig) in Scotland. This is their third spring there, having recently returned from their winter location in Africa. You just never know what you might find on micro.blog!
Of course I immediately thought of Mike Hendley @Mikehendley and his extraordinary drawing skills of nature. Perhaps these birds could be some new live models for him. The live cam website even has a section that describes the markings that are unique to each bird in this pair. They seem to be verrrrry popular on the Internet, with lots of people following them and commenting upon their behavior.
Due to the time it was posted, it occurred to me that many people might have missed this amazing posting. The website about these raptors, which starts here is terrific. And if Mike were to do some drawings of these birds, he might find a lot of people interested in getting posters of them. But the whole activity is monitored by a nonprofit organization, so they might not approve of any commercialization of the activity. But I wanted to at least call it to Mike’s attention, as well as to everyone else who might have missed Adam’s original posting.